another success story

Cardio and Heart Wellness Best Nitric Oxide Boosters

My name is Morris Woods, THIS IS MY STORY and I’m sticking with it!

I just checked my B/P this morning, it’s 111/57.

12 years ago, when I had my “First Heart Attack” the cardiologist said, “Mr. Woods, you can count on two things that will never be the same for you, 1) you’ll always need to take heart meds and 2) your B/P will never be 120/80 again!”

Well, I’m currently living with no more meds and I have good B/P.

Back to this particular Sunday morning 12 years ago, it was December 19th at 4:00 am. I woke up unable to get a good breath. I said to my wife call 911. By Thursday of that week I went into surgery for a triple by-pass, not fun, but apparently necessary at the time.

Now, let’s fast forward to September 2020.

I suffer a stroke. It affected my left side. Seems as though – if I didn’t have bad luck – I wouldn’t have any luck, huh?

At this time, a friend of mine sent me a month’s supply of a green drink powder and said, “Morris, this product will save your life.”

I started taking the green powder mix – and sure enough – it is the most complete nutritional product I’ve ever taken – and I’ve taken several supplements over the past 50 years.

So, you might be wondering, “have the supplements helped?” Well, maybe. On my mother’s side of the family most men have died of heart attacks in their early to mid seventies. I’m 79 and still going – so something has helped.

Check out the green powder mix here:  (That’s my website in case you want to start on it.)

Okay, back to the current problem.

After my heart attack and triple-by-pass a Pickleball friend told me about a Heart Wellness product. He said that it’s what I needed to get my heart muscle back and to make sure my arteries were clean. I contacted the distributor and founder Bob Weeks at 801-403-6554 and talked at length with him about his product. What I found was very interesting.

Bob Weeks told me some things that really made sense, like, if your heart is good and strong, and your arteries are clear then your blood can carry nutrients to your cells and you’ll have an increase in your overall health. Made sense to me.

Cardio Wellness, Heart Wellness, and Nitric Oxide Plus the Best Nitric Oxide Boosters
The Cardio and Heart Wellness Full Product Line

In May 2022 I started on the Heart Wellness product.

It’s L-Arginine plus L-Citrulline, it’s the most advanced formula supplement for Nitric Oxide production in the body. NO, or Nitric Oxide, production is reduced as we age and its one of the most needed ingredients needed for complete health. Do your own research and you’ll find out some very interesting things about NO and health in the body.


At the time I had the heart attack I could barely play a half game of Pickleball, as I have progressed over the past six months it’s not uncommon now for me to play a couple of hours without any problems at all. I’m tremendously proud to recommend these two products, but more than anything I suggest you start on the Heart Wellness program as soon as you can.


Take some time to call Bob, he’s the expert on Nitric Oxide. Pick his brain, hear his story. He can supply you with some information you can read and study and then make your own decision.

I strongly recommend you get on this product immediately.

How often have you had a friend or family member, that looks totally healthy, all of a sudden die of heart problems?

I’ve tried other products on the market with results that were not as successful as Heart Wellness, i.e. the one most advertised called S. Beets, and one by another multi-level company with little or no results.

Nitric Oxide is something special, you need it in your system 24/7, most other products will only last a couple hours. You’ll notice the results when you take this product.

Take the time to call and talk to the expert, Bob Weeks, (800) 667-6413.

Tell him I said to call, he’ll educate you. If you’re interested he’ll send you a 3-month supply to get you started on your health program. Just do it!

Morris Woods
79 years young and growing younger by the day.